Women cast a wide net

Sebokeng SAPS officers and Emfuleni traffic officers held a successful roadblock on Moshoeshoe Street on Friday to observe the start of the 16 Days of Activism against Woman and Child Abuse campaign. Constable Maria Molefe is seen here hard at work at the roadblock near Masoheng. Photo: Sonqoba Kunene.

The nationwide 16 Days campaign seeks to highlight the scourge of women and child abuse and runs annually from November 25.  Police officers in Sebokeng came out in numbers to support the roadblock which saw several vehicles stopped and searched near the Masoheng robots. Senior members of the Sebokeng SAPS and traffic officers from the Emfuleni Local Municipality also made their presence felt as they pulled over motorists to check for roadworthiness, permits and licenses.  One of the officers, Constable Maria Molefe called on all residents of Sebokeng and surrounding areas to do their part in curbing the spread of violence against women and children.
Source:  vaalweekly.com