Health & Safety Vaal Triangle, Vanderbijlpark, Vereeniging, Sasolburg, Meyerton

Company Area Contact Details

Health & Safety in the Vaal Triangle (Vanderbijpark, Vereeniging, Sasolburg and Meyerton).

Contact the companies listed above for Health and Safety Management Consulting Services in the Vaal Triangle (Vanderbijlpark, Vereeniging, Sasolburg and Meyerton).

Health and safety management for Vaal Triangle Companies. The Vaal Triangle is the triangular piece of land that overlaps the Vaal River, in Gauteng province of South Africa. It is an urban neighborhood that encompasses the cities of Vereeniging, Vanderbijlpark and Sasolburg at each apex of the triangle. TheVaal Triangle is probably most famous for the many industries that have their home here including major iron, steel and petroleum engineering plants such as ArcelorMittal South Africa and Sasol.

This heavy industrial presence has not been without its problems the Vaal Triangle area has been dogged with health and safety concerns occasioned by environmental pollution. The pollution problem is what led locals to refer tongue in cheek to the Vaal Triangle as the Vuil Driehoek (vuil is Afrikaans for dirty) following increased cases of respiratory diseases and other health conditions. With this history, Vaal Triangle companies have an important responsibility of making sure that their activities are environmentally sustainable.

But what is health and safety management? Well, health and safety management refers to the development and execution of strategies, policies, procedures and action plans that ensure all key stakeholders of the company including employees, clients and suppliers, are not exposed to health or safety risks in the course of the company’s operations. These health and safety principles must be in line with South Africa’s Occupational, Health and Safety Act – but the Act must be viewed as the minimum requirement meaning that there is no harm with the firm exceeding the conditions set out in the law.

In order to develop an effective work place health and safety framework,Vaal Triangle companies must continuously review the work environment to ensure that safety is always a primary consideration throughout the operational processes of the organization. The premises where manufacturing takes place must be safe. But focus must not only be in the product manufacturing or service provision processes -the end product and by products too must be subjected to a thorough analysis to ascertain that there they do not present a risk to consumers or the persons that handle them within the delivery chain.

A key component of a robust health and safety management policy for Vaal Triangle Health and Safety Management companies is communication. Addressing the risks posed by the work environment is just one part of the process – all persons working within the premises as well as visitors must be advised on the risks that they may be exposed to while within the company’s work area or when handling the product.

This is because even with the best safety measures in place, many manufacturers must work with sophisticated and complex but potentially dangerous chemicals and machines and staff, contractors and clients must be continuously appraised on how to act or react in order to ensure their health and safety. Communication should include running regular drills that simulate response and evacuation in the event of an industrial accident.

Where daily work entails handling toxic chemicals,Vaal Triangles must set up a program for regular testing of employees so that any poisoning can be captured in good time and treatment done.